Herb: 0429 002 809

Sale history

2023 Annual Sale Results

Top Price $25,000 (Lot 5 Sara Park Snoop S53– sold to Michael & Jessica Smith, Woodenbong )
Average $11,521
46/46 bulls sold

2022 Annual Sale Results

Top Price twice:
$32,000 (Lot 1 Sara Park Rattler R90 – sold to MJ Smith Group, Woodenbong)
$32,000 (Lot 25 Sara Park Rum R79 – sold to the Lee Family, Roma)

Average $20,097  |   41/41 bulls

2021 Annual Sale Results

Top Price $35,000 (Lot 15 – sold to Brent Berrick, Blair Hill Station)
Average $16,417
39/39 bulls sold

2020 Annual Sale Results

Top Price $11,000
Average $7,166
28/28 bulls sold

2019 Annual Sale Results

Top Price $6,500
Average $4,630

2018 Annual Sale Results

2018 Top Price $14,000
2018 Average $6,513

2017 Annual Sale Results

2017 Top Price $16,000 x 2
2017 Average $9,583
Clearance 36/36

2016 Annual Sale Results

2016 Top Price $14,000
2016 Average $7,395
29 Bulls were sold for more than $5,000 – 76%
9 Bulls were sold for less than $5,000 – 24%

2015 Annual Sale Results

Our 2015 annual sale was very successful with a total clearance selling to mostly repeat buyers as well as some new ones. It was a solid sale with an average of $6,329 and topping at $11,500.

There were 3 bulls sold in to commercial bull breeding herds. We were extremely pleased at how the progeny of Waitara Federal Pio F73 were received – a third of the catalogued bulls were by this sire and sold for an average of $8,200.